Monday, March 9, 2009

SXSW Spotlight: Amanda Palmer

I've seen the Dresden Dolls at Stubbs at SXSW, and enjoyed them immensely. They always are a fun show.

So seeing Amanda would be interesting indeed. Her punk poetry set to piano music is a slight departure from the more propulsive, more 'rock' of the Dolls. "Who Killed Amanda Palmer", her solo release was produced by Ben Folds. From what I can tell, this will be Amanda solo, just her and a piano.

The location is an interesting one, The Central Presbyterian Church, and home to one of my biggest SXSW disappointments: The insufferable Harry Shearer, who made us watch an endless loop of a commercial for a DVD greatest comedy hit, and then unleashed his trophy wife singer who turned Deep Purple's "Smoke On The Water" into a cabaret travesty. This whole thing was so self-indulgent that I am angry writing these words right now, thinking about it. Feh.

Amanda promises some guerilla ukulele street performances, also. Here's where she will be for sure:
Thursday, March 19 11:00 p.m.
Central Presbyterian Church (200 E 8th St)

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