Thursday, March 12, 2009

SXSW Spotlight: More Day Show Posters

How old skool am I? Well, I remember being at Stubbs when it first opened, sitting on the sod(!!), watching Wayne "the train" Hancock with about 20 other people on a Wednesday night. Must have been 1995. And I'll tell ya, you young whippersnappers, there weren't any of these day parties that are all the rage nowadays.

Enjoy some more posters to keep you up to date with these new-fangled goings-ons. Which I think are great. But it is amazing how these things have escalated. Can you imagine having to work at one of these clubs, or to manage it? From noon until 2 AM each day, and then back again. I take my hat off to all the people who work this festival to make it a success. Thank you.

Here's one from Mr. Hancock. He's not playing SXSW this year, but I'll think of him as I'm sandwiched between thousands of industry dudes. His music evokes simpler times that we really can never go back to.

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