Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SXSW Spotlight: Brother Ali

Ah, yes. An albino rapper from Minneapolis. The song "Forest Whitiker" has been a favorite for about 3 years. Autobiographical, honest. It is interesting that some of the best songs written speak the truth about the artist. Here's the song, not a real video, but too good to not post something on it:

And here's another one, called "Take Me Home".

I see Brother Ali's name every once in a while when I am at SXSW. Here's where he'll be this year:

Wednesday, March 18 12:30 a.m.
Back Alley Social (303 W 5th St)

Thursday, March 19 12:00 a.m.
Habana Bar Backyard (708 E 6th St)

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